Di artikel saya sebelumnya saya sudag mengulas apa itu Shutter Count, nah disini saya akan mengulas bagaimana cara melihat shutter count pada kamera DSLR, sebagai berikut :
1. Secara Online
Untuk beberapa merek kamera DSLR sobat bisa buka situs Camera Shutter Count atau khusus untuk kamera DSLR merek Nikon buka situs Nikon Shutter Count, caranya seperti ilustrasi gambar di bawah ini:
Atau untuk data yang lebih lengkap sobat bisa menggunakan EXIF Viewer (apa itu EXIF?) pada Situs ini.
2. Menggunakan aplikasi atau software EXIF viewer.
Salah satunya softwarenya adalah Opanda iExif. Caranya download terlebih dahulu aplikasi Opanda iExif, kemudian ikuti langkah-langkah seperti ilustrasi di bawah ini:
Perkiraan Batas Maksimum Shutter Count pada Kamera DSLR
Pada situs the-digital-picture. com batas maksimum shutter count disebutkan sebagai Shutter Durability Rating sebagai berikut:
- Canon EOS Rebel T1i / 500D : 100,000
- Canon EOS Rebel T3 / 1100D : n/a
- Canon EOS Rebel XSi / 450D : 100,000
- Canon EOS Rebel XS / 1000D : 100,000
- Canon EOS Rebel XTi / 400D : 50,000
- Canon EOS Rebel XT / 350D : 50,000
- Canon EOS 60D : 100,000
- Canon EOS 50D : 100,000
- Canon EOS 40D : 100,000
- Canon EOS 30D : 100,000
- Canon EOS 20D : 50,000
- Canon EOS 7D : 150,000
- Canon EOS 6D : 100,000
- Canon EOS 5D Mark III : 150,000
- Canon EOS 5D Mark II : 150,000
- Canon EOS 5D : 100,000
- Canon EOS 1D X : 400,000
- Canon EOS 1D Mark IV : 300,000
- Canon EOS 1D Mark III : 300,000
- Canon EOS 1D Mark II N : 200,000
- Canon EOS 1DS Mark III : 300,000
- Canon EOS 1DS Mark II : 200,000
Nikon D70s Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 50,085.8
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 71,550.7
Nikon D50 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 27,080.5
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 41,559.5
Nikon D80 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 41,936.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 43,498.3
Nikon D90 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 51,857.4
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 274,232.2
Nikon D200 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 80,349.4
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 114,166.8
Nikon D300 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 203,482.9
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 277,733.0
Nikon D3000 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 55,297.1
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 9,873.6
Nikon D5000 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 98,567.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 286,845.3
Nikon D3 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 171,327.2
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 704,487.6
Sony A900 DSLR Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 108,883.2
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 2,074,452.0
Sony A350 DSLR Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 37,991.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 13,889.5
Sony A300 DSLR Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 25,845.0
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 12,819.5
Sony DSLR-A100 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 26,105.6
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 14,582.4
Olympus E-620 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 23,937.4
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 37,237.4
Olympus E-520 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 87,955.1
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 375,358.1
Olympus E-500 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 35,806.7
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 23,205.8
Olympus E-420 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 29,029.4
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 7,271.0
Olympus E-400 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 27,692.0
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 27,253.5
Olympus E-300 Shutter Life:
Average number of actuations after which shutter is still alive: 24,310.3
Average number of actuations after which shutter died: 29,957.4
Semoga bermanfaat sobat :)
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